ADSAP - Alcohol Drug Saftey Action Program - Outpatient treatment program all must complete upon conviction for DUI.
BAC - Blood Alcohol Concentration - The amount of alcohol in your blood.
DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles
DUAC - Driving with Unlawful Alcohol Concentration
DD - Defensive Driving Class
DUI - Driving Under the Influence
DUS - Driving Under Suspension
HGN - Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus - A SFST which measures involuntary jerking of your eye.
IID - Ignition Interlock Device - This device is installed on your vehicle and requires you to provide a breath sample to start your vehicle and radomly while you are driving.
OLS - One Leg Stand - A SFST where the officer asks you to balance on one foot while counting.
PPP - Probation, Pardon and Parole - This office oversees the IID Program. You will need to contact them to start the process to install the IID.
SFST - Standandized Field Sobriety Test
TAL - Temporary Alcohol License - License you may obtain after you request a hearing contesting a suspension of your license for refusing or testing high on the breath test.
W&T - Walk and Turn - A SFST where the officer asks you to walk a line.
VIP - Victim Impact Panel